Ergebnisse für Postleitzahl: $plz Umkreis: $distance km

"; $anfrage = "SELECT loc_id FROM `geodb_textdata` where text_val=\"$plz\" limit 1"; $result=mysql_db_query("labellos",$anfrage); $row=mysql_fetch_row($result); if (empty($row)) { echo "Bitte gib eine richtige Postleitzahl an!"; die; } $id= $row[0]; $anfrage="SELECT c.text_val, acos( sin( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) * sin( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) + cos( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) * cos( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) * cos( PI( ) * ( b.lon ) /180 - PI( ) * ( a.lon ) /180 ) ) *6380 as entfernung FROM geodb_coordinates a, geodb_coordinates b, geodb_textdata c WHERE a.loc_id = $id AND acos( sin( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) * sin( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) + cos( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) * cos( PI( ) * ( ) /180 ) * cos( PI( ) * ( b.lon ) /180 - PI( ) * ( a.lon ) /180 ) ) *6380 <=$distance AND b.loc_id = c.loc_id AND c.text_type =500300000 group by c.text_val"; $result=mysql_db_query("labellos",$anfrage); echo ""; $i=0; $date=time(); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $plz2 = $row[0]; $entfernung = round($row[1],2); $anfrage2 = "select b.gigcal_gigs_id,a.bandname, b.gigdate , c.venuename, b.gigcal_bands_id from jos_gigcal_bands a, jos_gigcal_gigs b, jos_gigcal_venues c where$plz2 and c.gigcal_venues_id = b.gigcal_venues_id and b.gigdate>$date and a.gigcal_bands_id=b.gigcal_bands_id"; $result2=mysql_db_query("labellos",$anfrage2); while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $id=$row2[0]; $bandname2=$row2[1]; $ort=$row2[3]; $date2= $row2[2]; $bandid= $row2[4]; $data[] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $bandname2 ,'ort'=>$ort, 'date' => $date2, 'entfernung'=>$entfernung, 'bandid'=>$bandid); $i++; } $s++; } if (!isset($sort)) { $sort="date"; $dir ="asc"; } $feldname = $sort; // Dann alles wie gehabt: foreach($data as $id => $datensatz) { $test[$id] = $datensatz[$feldname]; } if ($dir=="asc") asort($test); else arsort($test); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; foreach ($test as $k => $v) { $ort =$data[$k][ort]; $bandid = $data[$k][bandid]; $name = $data[$k][name]; $date2 = date("d.m.Y", $data[$k]['date']); $id =$data[$k][id]; $entfernung =$data[$k][entfernung]; $anfrage= "select * from content_seo_bands where bandname='$name'"; $result = mysql_query($anfrage); if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0) { $row=mysql_fetch_row($result); } else { $anfrage= "select * from content_seo_festivals where festival_name='$name'"; $result = mysql_query($anfrage); $row=mysql_fetch_row($result); } $bandlink="http://".$row[2].""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $addlink="index.php?option=com_gigcal&task=details&gigcal_gigs_id=$id"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
  Bandname     Datum     Ort      Entfernung  
$name$date2$ortInfo$entfernung km
"; } elseif (isset($band)) { $anfrage ="select bandname from jos_gigcal_bands where gigcal_bands_id=$id"; $result=mysql_db_query("labellos",$anfrage); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); echo "

Ergebnisse für $row[0]

"; $date=time(); $anfrage2 = "select b.gigcal_gigs_id,a.bandname, b.gigdate ,c.venuename from jos_gigcal_bands a, jos_gigcal_gigs b, jos_gigcal_venues c where a.gigcal_bands_id=$id and c.gigcal_venues_id = b.gigcal_venues_id and b.gigdate>$date and a.gigcal_bands_id=b.gigcal_bands_id"; $result2=mysql_db_query("labellos",$anfrage2); echo ""; while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $id=$row2[0]; echo ""; echo ""; $date2 = date("d.m.Y", $row2[2]); echo ""; echo ""; $addlink="index.php?option=com_gigcal&task=details&gigcal_gigs_id=$id&Itemid=32"; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
"; } elseif (isset($band2)) { echo "

Ergebnisse für $name

"; $date=time(); $anfrage2 = "select b.gigcal_gigs_id,a.bandname, b.gigdate ,c.venuename from jos_gigcal_bands a, jos_gigcal_gigs b, jos_gigcal_venues c where a.bandname LIKE '%$name%' and c.gigcal_venues_id = b.gigcal_venues_id and b.gigdate>$date and a.gigcal_bands_id=b.gigcal_bands_id"; $result2=mysql_db_query("labellos",$anfrage2); echo ""; while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $id=$row2[0]; echo ""; echo ""; $date2 = date("d.m.Y", $row2[2]); echo ""; echo ""; $addlink="index.php?option=com_gigcal&task=details&gigcal_gigs_id=$id&Itemid=32"; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
"; } else { echo "

Konzertsuche nach Umkreis

"; echo "

Gib hier Deine PLZ und den gewünschten Umkreis (Luftlinie) ein, dann werden Dir alle Konzerte und Festivals
in diesem Umkreis angezeigt.

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
Vollständige Postleitzahl:Umkreis:"; echo " 
"; // $anfrage= "select gigcal_bands_id,bandname from jos_gigcal_bands order by bandname"; // $anfrage ="SELECT count(jos_gigcal_bands.gigcal_bands_id) // FROM jos_gigcal_bands // LEFT JOIN content_festivals ON jos_gigcal_bands.bandname = // WHERE IS NULL"; $anfrage ="SELECT jos_gigcal_bands.gigcal_bands_id,jos_gigcal_bands.bandname FROM jos_gigcal_bands LEFT JOIN content_festivals ON jos_gigcal_bands.bandname = WHERE IS NULL ORDER BY jos_gigcal_bands.bandname"; $result=mysql_db_query("labellos",$anfrage); echo "

Konzertsuche nach Bands

"; echo "

Hier kannst du nach Bandnamen suchen und bekommst alle Konzerte und Festivals dieser Band angezeigt.
"; echo "Du kannst die Band entweder über das Dropdownfeld auswählen oder direkt im unteren Feld eingeben.

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; } ?>